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10月, 2021の投稿を表示しています


今年度のガイドヘルパー研修では、外国にルーツのある受講者の支援体制を準備しています。 長年大田区で外国人相談支援に従事し、外国にルーツのある高校生の支援活動にも従事している一般社団法人レガートおおたに、受講支援とアドバイザーとしての協力を依頼しています。 その一環として英訳していただいた募集広告が以下になります(^^)/ FY2021 Guide Helper Training Course (Weekday mornings) Tokyo designated business operator number [(To-Sho-Chi-Gaku 0067]: Training course for mobility support of persons with intellectual disabilities (school commuting) Recruitment of trainees for mobility support staff (Guide Helper) designated by the Tokyo metropolitan government. Do you want to be a Guide Helper who assists people with intellectual disabilities who have difficulty going out by themselves? Those who complete this course will be qualified to work as Guide Helpers for the Mobility assistance program implemented by municipal governments. Guide Helper is a job to use trains or buses to commute to work or schools together, or accompany them for a walk or outing on holidays. Would you like to be trained and use your spare time to benefit others? Qualification can